And keep the cash flowing-there's nothing, nothing, nastier than a mercenary whose paycheck just bounced. Increased number of possible Tilesets to 255, UB Tileset pack downloadable as an option for Modders. Give orders to Militia during Tactical Combat - Vehicles have inventories. Conquer underground mines, reap their riches, and discover their secrets. Mercs from UB (Unfinished Business) - Roaming Militia Patrols. Win the respect of the local people by displaying courage and loyalty. You'll need the strategic insight of a general, the negotiating skills of a diplomat, the financial savvy of a CEO-and a squad of the deadliest mercenaries around. The deposed ruler of a war-torn country has hired you to overthrow a merciless dictator. sti (s) are missing (which causes a CTD) and you can start making maps in JA2 V1.13 using UB tilesets. Download Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business Free Full PC Game (Last Version) Tactical Strategy Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business features an. Home 1 › Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack (Download) 2 To fix tilesets 50 to 59 in v1.13, copy and paste tilesets 50 to 59 into your Data-1.13/tilesets folder. sti(s) are missing (which causes a CTD) and you can start making maps in JA2 V1.13 using UB tilesets.