The following installation methods are not maintained by the MagicMirror² core team. Do not interrupt or you risk getting a 💔 by Raspberry Jam. The installation step for npm run install-mm will take a very long time, often with little or no terminal response! For the RPi3 this is ~10 minutes and for the Rpi2 ~25 minutes. Make a copy of the config sample file: cp config/config.js.sample config/config.js.Install the application: npm run install-mm.Clone the repository and check out the master branch: git clone.Download and install the latest Node.js version:.Available automatic installers can be found under: alternative installation methods. Using external installation scripts is at your own risk but can make the process a lot easier. Therefore the only officially supported way of installation is by using a manual installation. For more information about this decision, please check issue #1860 on GitHub. At the start of 2020 the decision was made to remove the automatic installer from the MagicMirror² core repository and move it to a community maintained separate repository. The Magic Mirror can be installed manually or using automatic installers.