Tell him/her if you can not get real shipment information in next 3 days, you will open dispute against fraud. If you purchased from big website such as eBay/AliExpress/Amazon/Wish etc, you should contact seller and push him/her to ship the goods immediately.

If over 3 business days and you still get same result as “”shipping notice received”. China Post tracking system will provide updated shipment date and location information about the parcel number. If you just got the tracking number from seller, please wait about 2 to 3 business days, if seller has actually shipped the goods. This means seller/shipper has applied a tracking number with shipping software provided by third party (WISH, AliExpress etc) but has not shipped the goods yet. When tracking you might get “Shipping notice received” or “Shipping notice received from WISH” or “Logistics order has been created“. The AddressValidationResponse object provides a number of methods to allow you to more easily query the API response toĭetermine the outcome.What is the meaning of “Shipping notice received”? Validated address, or the first candidate address if the address is ambiguous, will be returned. If you do not call this method, a single object with either the matched If you do not call this method, validateĬontinues to function as it has previously. Calling this method will causeĪddressValidation::validate() to return an AddressValidationResponse object. In the code above $xav->activateReturnObjectOnValidate() is completely optional. $xav-> activateReturnObjectOnValidate() //This is optional try AddressValidation::validateReturnAVObject() $xav = new \ Ups\ AddressValidation( $accessKey, $userId, $password) $address-> setAddressLine3( 'Address Line 3') $address-> setAddressLine2( 'Address Line 2') $address-> setAddressLine1( 'Address Line 1') $address-> setAttentionName( 'Test Test') Run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of PHP UPS API: It is recommended that you install the PHP UPS API library through composer. You will have to provide the Access Key, your UPS User ID and Password. To use the UPS API, you have to request an access key from UPS. Tracking API, Shipping API, Rating API and Time in Transit API. This library wrap all the UPS API into a simple to use PHP Library.